A wide range of interesting presentations will be made by speakers from both the KDE community and guest speakers from related projects at the KDE Contributors Conference. Below is an introduction to some of the speakers who will be giving presentations at aKademy 2006.
- Aaron Seigo, KDE (Looking Ourselves In The Eye - The Quest for Project Identity and Definition)
- John Cherry, OSDL (The State of the Linux Desktop - An OSDL Perspective)
- Ciaran O'Riordan, FSF Europe (Software Patents)
- Inge Wallin (How To Make Your Program Popular)
- Sebastian Sauer (Kross - The Scripting Framework)
- Jens Herden (KDE Cross Cultural - Experiences From The KDE Localization Process In Cambodia)
- Dhananjay Keskar (Bridging the Cultural Open Source Divide)
- Harald Fernengel (The Linux Standard Base)
- Tobias Koenig (Akonadi - The KDE 4.0 PIM Framework)
- John (J5) Palmieri (Competition And Cooperation - An Honest Look At The Dynamics Between The KDE And GNOME Communities)
- David Faure (KDE 4 Development Setup)
- Bill Hoffman (An Introduction to CMake, CTest and Dart)
- Waldo Bastian (Portland, Cross Desktop Integration Made Easy)
- Alexander Dymo (Accomplishments And Challenges Of The KDevelop Team)
- Will Stephenson (Network Status Support in KDE and How To Use It)
- Aaron Seigo (Plasma - What the bleep is it?)
- Kevin Krammer (KDE Support - a challenging way to contribute)
- Lubos Lunak (Performance techniques)
- Pau Garcia i Quiles (spectaKle, an open source digital-signage and video-on-demand platform)
- Thiago Macieira (QtDBus and interoperability)
- Christian Külker (Debian-Edu/Skolelinux - KDE in the tough school environment)
- George Staikos (Towards a More Secure Networked Desktop Environment, State of KHTML)
- Matthias Kretz (Phonons in Solids - Internals and Usage Explained)
- Kevin Ottens (Phonons in Solids - Internals and Usage Explained)
- Stephan Kulow (Kickoff - Start Menu Research)
- Eric Laffoon (Interactive community and fund raising - Sponsored development model)
- Ellen Reitmayr (Keeping Users in Mind)
- Richard Moore (The Design and Implementation KJSEmbed)
- Gunnar Schmi Dt (Accessibility of KDE 4.x applications)
- Olaf Jan Schmidt (How to Make Your Application or Widget Style Accessible)
- Tobias Hunger (Decibel - You Are Not Alone!)
- Richard Dale (iQyoto/Kimono C# bindings)
- Keith Packard (Multi-Head RandR)
- Mark Purcell (Debian KDE Extras Team Presentation)
- Klaas Freitag (Kraft - KDE Software for Craftsmen Business)
- Holger Freyther (KDE and Consumer Electronics - The Lost Momentum)
- Pradeepto Bhattacharya (Opportunities for KDE in India)
- Claire Lotion (Organization of KDE Events)
- Martijn Klingens (Organization of KDE Events)
- Anne Østergaard (Women in Free Software)
- Julian Seward (Valgrinding complete KDE sessions)
- Adriaan de Groot (English Breakfast Network)
- Jin Yoon (KDE Integration & Embedded Software Architecture on the Ricoh Platform)
If you are interested in being a speaker at a future aKademy, please have a look at our Call for Participation to get an idea of what things we were looking for this year.
There is also a list of speakers from past aKademys: