The Linux Standard Base
Speaker: Harald Fernengel
This talk will introduce the Linux Standard Base (LSB) and explain how it can be used to create binaries that will run on all modern distributions. It will focus on the LSB tools and give a real world example of making a distributable package. Side topics include how to build using Qt 3 and Qt 4 and how to deal with non-standardized libraries.
Another topic will be how KDE can benefit from the LSB. Having a lot of first-hand knowledge, the author will outline the challenges on the way of standardization. Target audience is everyone who is interested in targeting Linux as well as KDE hackers.
Harald Fernengel
Harald Fernengel is working for Trolltech for quite a while now and was responsible for getting QT into the LSB. He is also a contributor and happy user of the K Desktop Environment and its fabulous IDE.
Slides (PDF) (565k)
Video (Ogg) (137M)