Financing The Event
KDE e.V. is soliciting donations from companies and individuals towards this conference. These donations will be used for both the organizational costs of running the "2006 KDE Contributors Conference" (code-named aKademy) and for the bursaries for delegates from other continents and/or without income. Delegates with an accepted paper/presentation will be prioritized in the distribution of these bursaries.
How To Become A Sponsor?
Please contact the board of the KDE e.V. (kde-ev-board@kde.org), if you would like to sponsor aKademy 2006. The call for sponsors is available as a high-resolution PDF file (4.3MB).
Our Sponsors
- Host Institution
- Gold Sponsors
- Silver Sponsors
- Bronze Sponsors
- Technology Partners
- Logistics Partners
- Media Partners
- Other Sponsors
Host Institution
School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin has played a pioneering role in initiating new programmes in the computer area. Indeed, the first formal courses and qualifications in Systems Analysis and Programming were introduced in the late sixties. Today Trinity has the largest computer science department in Ireland and is committed to the highest standards of excellence in Informational Technology research, education and training.
Computing facilities are made available to all students at Trinity through ISS, and Computer Science students have access to specialised laboratories containing a further 330 computers. A range of hardware (Intel and Sun Microsystems) and operating system platforms (Linux, Microsoft Windows and Sun Solaris) are used to ensure that students can adapt quickly and easily to working with new technologies. These facilities, supported by a dedicated staff of technicians, include specialised hardware and telecommunications laboratories as well as dedicated project laboratories for final year students.
Teaching and research are the main activities of the department. Areas of expertise include artificial intelligence, compiler design, computational linguistics, computer architecture, computer vision, distributed systems, formal methods, human computer interaction, knowledge and data engineering, multimedia systems, software structure, and computer and telecommunication networks. A full list of current research interests is included in the staff profiles available at www.cs.tcd.ie and many of the research groups are listed at www.cs.tcd.ie/research_groups.
Gold Sponsors

Kubuntu - the GNU/Linux distribution for everyone
(koo-BOON-too) - /kùbúntú/ - towards humanity.
Kubuntu is a free, user-friendly operating system based on the K Desktop Environment and on the award winning Ubuntu operating system. With a biannual release cycle and at least 18 months of free security updates for each release, it is the secure, stable computing environment you've been waiting for. Its community-driven development and pervasive availability are grounded in the concept of "humanity to others."
Kubuntu is not possible without its community, because its projects are designed, created, and implemented by a diverse community of users. Individuals and teams provide the code, artwork, documentation, and technical assistance in addition to promoting Kubuntu to a wider audience.
The Kubuntu and Ubuntu projects are sponsored by Canonical Ltd, the leading global provider of free Linux software. Canonical provides full commercial support for Kubuntu and Ubuntu.
Kubuntu is a showcase to bring out the best of KDE. In return for the excellent desktop we receive from KDE, Canonical are very pleased to be a Gold Sponsor for this year's Akademy. If you have any queries, complaints or suggestions please grab Mark Shuttleworth or Jonathan Riddell who are attending this conference.
http://kubuntu.org/, http://ubuntu.com, http://canonical.com.

OSDL - home to Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux - is dedicated to accelerating the growth and adoption of Linux in the enterprise.
Founded in 2000 and supported by a global consortium of IT industry leaders, OSDL is a non-profit organization that provides state-of the-art computing and test facilities in the United States and Japan available to developers around the world.
OSDL's founding members are IBM, HP, CA, Intel, and NEC. A complete list of OSDL member organizations is provided on OSDL Members.
Silver Sponsors

Intel - This year 100 million people around the world will discover digital for the first time.
This year 150 million more people will become part of the wireless world. This year the living room will grow more interactive and the digital divide will shrink.
This year more people will be using technology in more fascinating ways than ever imagined. And behind all of this progress you'll find innovative Intel technology.
For decades, Intel Corporation has developed technology enabling the computer and Internet revolution that has changed the world.
Intel Software Development Products for Linux allow you to harness the power of on-chip technologies to deliver maximum application performance on Intel processors.
Intel Software Development Products for Linux are compatible with industry-leading development environments and are backed by Intel Premier Support to keep you developing with confidence. Visit us at www.intel.com.

Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB is an international software company with headquarters in Sweden. Our employees are currently working from Sweden, Germany, Denmark, France, the United States and India but have the whole world as their working field; we have consulted, mentored and taught in Saudi Arabia as well as in China, in Germany as well as in Canada—and in many other countries.
Individual solutions are our business: We develop contracted platform-independent software solutions for MS Windows and Linux (and other Unix variants). IBM, Intel, and DaimlerChrysler are some of our customers - you can find references on the Projects page of our website.
Besides solutions, we offer our own products tools for developers. Find out more at http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se.

NLnet is a non-profit foundation with a mission and a philosophy. Its mission is to advance and innovate network technology. Its guiding philosophy is Open Source: free availability of technology.
NLnet supports a wide range of projects and activities, varying from software development and scientific research to spreading information by means of workshops, hackathons and conferences. In addition NLnet supports relevant organisations like ISOC, FSF, FSF Europe and FFII. Please visit the website http://www.nlnet.nl/ to get a good feel for what NLnet is doing.
All results of NLnet supported activities are made freely available under open source software licenses for further development, deployment and distribution. The Internet once started as a cooperative community, and NLnet wants to honor and continue that tradition.

Trolltech is the company that makes software faster to build and easier to use. Trolltech's magic is the combination of efficient software development with an innovative, high-quality user experience.
Our software increases the appeal of our customer [desktop] applications and devices while reducing their risks and software development costs.
Trolltech's technologies accelerate the evolution of software by unleashing the creative power of the developer.
The company's family of products include Qt, which sets the standard for high-performance, cross-platform software development; and Qtopia, the unrivaled application platform for the efficient creation of Linux devices.
Trolltech software is the foundation for thousands of leading products worldwide, many from Global 2000 companies. Trolltech is a second-generation open source company, with a dual licensing business model that supports open source values and methodology in a profitable, sustainable business.
For more information about Trolltech, please visit www.trolltech.com

Founded in 2001 with headquarters in New York, offices in Frankfurt and Mumbai, and research and development facilities in Ottawa, Xandros, Inc. is the leading provider of easy-to-use Linux alternatives to Windows.
Its Debian-based products range from standalone consumer desktops to end-to-end enterprise desktop, server, and management solutions featuring workflow automation and centralized, remote administration.
Xandros pioneered low cost, graphical operating systems that leverage existing skill sets and provide seamless compatibility with Microsoft Windows programs and networks.

Ricoh Company Ltd. is a leading global manufacturer of office automation equipment. Placed 7th in Fortune's 'Global Computer and Office Equipment' ranking, Ricoh offers one of the world's most extensive line ups of multi-functional devices, copiers, printers, scanners, faxes, as well as advanced software and personal multimedia solutions.
Through the Ricoh Developer Program (RiDPTM), Ricoh gives software developers access to our its JavaTM technology-based SDK, as well as technical support & services, thus allowing seamless integration with Ricoh hardware and software products.
The philosophy of the RiDPTM program is based on supporting open standards and on giving our members as much freedom as possible to develop innovative, customised software solutions. For more information: http://emea.ricoh-developer.com

Nokia is a world leader in mobile communications, driving the growth and sustainability of the broader mobility industry. Nokia connects people to each other and the information that matters to them with easy-to-use and innovative products like mobile phones, devices and solutions for imaging, games, media and businesses. Nokia provides equipment, solutions and services for network operators and corporations.
Bronze Sponsors

We are the Irish state development agency focused on transforming Irish industry. Our core mission is to accelerate the development of world-class Irish companies to achieve strong positions in global markets resulting in increased national and regional prosperity.
Through our extensive network of 13 Irish offices and 33 international offices, we work with our clients to assist them to compete and to grow.
Our focus, for Irish companies, is on five main areas of activity: Achieving export sales; investing in research and innovation; competing through productivity; starting up & scaling up and driving regional enterprise.
We also provide assistance for international companies who are searching for world-class Irish suppliers and we can help international companies who want to set up food and drink manufacturing operations in Ireland. For more information, visit www.enterprise-ireland.com.

Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the way people connect with information.
Google's innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top Internet destination and its brand one of the most recognized in the world.
Google maintains the world's largest online index of websites and other content, and Google makes this information freely available to anyone with an Internet connection.
Google's automated search technology helps people obtain nearly instant access to relevant information from its vast online index. For more information, visit www.google.com.

Staikos Computing Services Inc. provides software development and consulting services to a variety industries. SCS, as Trolltech services partners, are recognized leaders in delivering Qt and KDE based technologies on desktop and embedded platforms. Based in Toronto, Canada, SCS provides development and consulting services to various clients internationally, ranging from small software development shops to large manufacturing and consumer electronics firms. Visit the SCS website at www.staikos.net or email info@staikos.net for more information.

Novell is a global leader in enterprise class software and services, with over $1B in sales and 100 offices around the world. We got there by providing a flexible combination of open source and commercial technologies, based on open standards. We help our customers manage, simplify, secure, and integrate their IT systems. This helps them lower cost and complexity while at the same time increasing return on their investment.
Novell provides global services and support and has a strong history of innovation and world-class engineering. We also build customer solutions leveraging our network of over 800 technology partners, 900 training partners, and 3,200 solution providers. Software for the Open Enterprise from Novell. There's more to Novell than you think.
Technology Partners
WiFi Partner

Bitbuzz is Ireland's leading Wi-Fi provider with over 105 hotspots in hotels, cafe bars, service stations and other public areas around Ireland. Bitbuzz provides reliable, highspeed Internet access in comfortable and laptop-friendly surroundings.
Networking Partner

HEAnet is a world class provider of high quality Internet services to Ireland’s Universities, Institutes of Technology and the research and educational community including primary and post primary schools. HEAnet uses technology that places Ireland amongst the leading countries of the world.
HEAnet plays an essential role in facilitating leading edge research involving national and international collaborations between Irish researchers and students and their colleagues across the globe. It also enables leading researchers to live in Ireland and develop their ideas here.
Logistics Partners

FDS Worldwide, Anything, Anytime, On Time! One Stop Shop for all your Global & National Logistic requirements. Next day delivery guaranteed to Ireland, UK, USA and Europe, including Eastern Europe. Next day delivery guaranteed to all of Ireland including the Aran Islands. We have Pre-9.00, Pre-10.30, Pre-12.30, and Saturday Delivery. Same-day delivery to Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, and Mainland Europe. Fastest deliveries to Asia, Australia, Africa, Middle East, and South America. On Board Couriers are available to hand deliver your shipments Worldwide. FDS Worldwide, The World Starts Here!
Media Partners
Premium Media Partner

In Linux Magazine, you'll find the tools, tutorials, reviews, and concrete technical discussions you'll need to unlock the secrets of Linux -- and not just from the server side. Linux Magazine brings you solutions for real users with Linux on real desktops.
Each issue comes with a full Linux distribution or other valuable software collection on a bonus DVD. Our DVDs include full versions of major distributions such as Suse, Mandriva, Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian.
Other Media Partners

O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of innovators through its books, online services, magazine, and conferences. Since 1978, O'Reilly has been a chronicler and catalyst of leading-edge development, homing in on the technology trends that really matter and spurring their adoption by amplifying "faint signals" from the alpha geeks who are creating the future. An active participant in the technology community, the company has a long history of advocacy, meme-making, and evangelism.
Publisher of the iconic "animal books" for software developers, creator of the first commercial website (GNN), organizer of the summit meeting that gave the open source software movement its name, and prime instigator of the DIY revolution through its Make magazine, O'Reilly continues to concoct new ways to connect people with the information they need. O'Reilly conferences and summits bring alpha geeks and forward-thinking business leaders together to shape the revolutionary ideas that spark new industries. Long the information source of choice for technologists, the company now also delivers the knowledge of expert early adopters to everyday computer users. Whether it's delivered in print, online, or in person, everything O'Reilly produces reflects the company's unshakeable belief in the power of information to spur innovation.

Helix is a digital media technology platform and a community for the standardization and expansion of digital media technology. The Helix platform consists of source code for the creation, delivery and playback of digital media developed by RealNetworks over the past decade, as well as a set of interfaces for building media-enabled applications. Helix Community members are able to use this source code to build media-capable products with industry-leading technology and commonly used interfaces. The Helix Community offers source code and related patents rights for Helix DNA Client, Helix DNA Server and Helix DNA Producer under commercial community and open source licenses. Information on the Helix Community can be found at www.helixcommunity.org.
RealNetworks, Inc. is the leading creator of digital media services and software including Rhapsody, RealPlayer 10 and casual PC and mobile games. Broadcasters, network operators, media companies and enterprises use Real's products and services to create and deliver digital media to PCs, mobile phones and consumer electronics devices. Consumers can access and experience audio/video programming and download Real's consumer software at www.real.com. Real's systems and corporate information is located at www.realnetworks.com.
Other Sponsors